86 IiIFE OF lier stay in Paris in August ISO-i, tho siuldeu news arrived that the groat traveller, already moimuHl us lost with but faint doubts of tho truth of the roport, had arrived in the Garonne with, all him AnuTK'tui treasures. The despatch which brcwght tlio infcolli- geuce from Bordeaux to tho National InHt.it. ute of Paris was immediately forwarded by tho secretary to Madame von Humboldt., and as groat aĞ hor tfnrpruse, was Alexander's astonishment when ho, hastening from Bordeaux to Paris, found his sister-in-law t hor of while he had anticipated not being able to Ğeo his brother and his family in Rome till tho comivuvuce- ment of the following year. As ho had the intention of settling in Paris., for no town presented BO many scientific and personal advantages sis it, and ho also only thought at first of arranging his collections of completing his manuscripts to make them tho foundation of -a comprehensive literary travelling* history,, it was most agreeable for him that MB bro- ther's wife, who was expecting her confinement in the autumn of 1804, was remaining in Paris till tho com- mencement of the following year. Then she proposed returning to her husband,, who was in the meantime spending- a happy solitude in Albano, commencing and completing the long planned translation of the Agamemnon of JEschylus, and inviting in September Ms friend Wolff, the editor of Homer, to share MB charming solitude at Albano,, and enjoy with him the beauties of nature in intellectual intercourse. In Paris, Alexander von Humboldt really lived only in the recollection of his great journey., as lie worked daily with Bonpland, the faithful companion of his joys and dangers, at the regulation of liis col- lection, and he maintained a lively iutercourwo with the most eminent scholars of the capital on tho suc- cess of his journey. Many of these eminent men, such as Cuvier, Qay-Lussac, Arago, Vauquelin, Oltmann, Laplace, and others,, were actively engaged in the literary arrangement of his stupendous mate- riaJs, Nearly a year elapsed before Humboldt found